Monday, June 1, 2009

Gone, gone [to] New York City.

Day 2(ish); technically, I arrived just about this time yesterday in the room I'm currently inhabiting. There's a TV with free cable directly above my bed, tons of storage space (although it took me a while to figure out where everything would go), a window (out to...brick walls:P), a fridge/freezer with a microwave sitting on top, and three of us sleeping and eating and generally living in here. I didn't sleep a wink before my flight up here, so I was understandably exhausted. I basically made it through yesterday on adrenaline alone (especially because I also was only able to eat half of a muffin during my travels!) I met some friends on my second flight from Charlotte, North Carolina to La Guardia here in NYC, and one of them actually lives in a different EHS building, just about 40 blocks from me in Manhattan! We exchanged contact info, and we also shared a cab (saved me about 5 or 8 bucks or something). Plus, it was just nice to have a friend on the first leg of the cab ride. One of my favorite parts about yesterday = seeing the Statue of Liberty from the plane. It looked a lot smaller from way up in the air, but it was still cool. I also was reminded just how much water is around New York; there's a LOT! When I got into the residence and checked myself in, I headed up to my room (10th floor!) and introduced myself to one of my roommates, Kate, who is from Michigan and interning with Comedy Central. Way cool! We chatted for a while, and I tried to fix my computer's power plug (long, uninteresting and annoying story - it's fixed now, that's the important part.) Then our third roommate came back from shopping at Kmart (gotta hit that up, I bet it's much cheaper than stuff around here!) and she introduced herself. Her name is Melissa, and she's interning for W Magazine (the fashion mag.)

Then, at around 5pm, Kate and I went to a sushi place just a few blocks over from here, and I had two rolls (sweet potato and avocado/cucumber), both were AMAZING (of course I was famished so I'm pretty sure anything I put in my face was going to taste amazing.) They also brought us fresh sliced pineapple and orange - key to my HEART, I tell you! Then we trudged back to the room, and I continued unpacking and tried to stay alert until our little meet and greet at 8pm. I met the other Texan in the residence (we just happened to be sitting next to each other - I guess we're drawn together or something!) and she is super sweet. Her name is Angelina, and she's taking some theater classes. I also met Jan, who is super boisterous and a little too rowdy for me. I think he was taking classes at the New York Film Academy. After we went around the (giant!!) circle and everyone introduced themselves, we got a rundown of rules and such, and then Angelina and I introduced ourselves to two other girls, Antonia and Caroline. Super sweet ladies, and we all exchanged phone numbers so we could grab food and do all that crazy stuff.

A lot of people here are health/exercise nuts, which is going to be a little difficult for me because of my eating disorder. I just need to keep my head high and keep reading my books! I want to keep meeting people and making friends, but by the same token, I want to also focus on finishing my two history classes in a speedy (and A+!) manner, and to kick butt at my internship. For now, I need to get a move on; I'm going to go buy my month-long subway pass, and then I'm going to take the subway to my work so I'll be ready for tomorrow morning, my first day (eep!) Then I want to get back in time for a walking tour of the neighborhood with other residents, at 6pm. It's already quarter to 4, so it's time to go! I'll check back in soon, I'm sure. For now, my overwhelming feelings are: excitement, homesickness (hardcore, I miss you all:(,) and "OK, I can do this!"-ness.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're just looking at a brick wall out your window, but that just means you'll need to step out to see any nature or sights! I'll try to remember to check in here first, before making you tell me all the stuff you have already posted! Hang in there little one - you are doing a great job! (Sorry, lot's of exclamation points, but they fit.)
